Vegan skincare

Why Vegan Skincare?
The Jojoba Company proudly crafts only the very best 100% natural, cruelty free and vegan friendly skincare.
What is Vegan skincare? Vegan is so much more than just a dietary choice. Becoming a vegan can impact every part of your life. From removing leather in your wardrobe to clearing out your skincare ingredients (yes that's right, many cosmetics contain animal products!), removing all animal and animal bi-products isn’t as scary as it sounds. In fact, with more and more people choosing a plant-based lifestyle, its benefits for our health are turning heads as everyone is asking “what's so good about being vegan?” What does being vegan have to do with skincare? Truthfully, the scary bit about skincare is…some of the most coveted ingredients are derived from animals and we don’t even know it.